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jeudi 14 juillet 2011

Jimmy Choo's Bond Street store robbed - thieves only made off with bags though

Jimmy Choo S/S 2011 campaignJimmy Choo S/S 2011 campaign
The super brand, and creator of some of the most enviable shoes and bags in the World, Jimmy Choo has had its London store robbed, following similar robberies at D&G and Anya Hindmarch.
The four robbers rocked up to Bond Street on two motorbikes, a bit like Maxwell Caufield in Grease 2, smashed the glass frontage, and took around £40,000 worth of bags before careening off, swag flapping in the wind.
A Met spokesperson said:
"The suspects headed off down New Bond Street and reports suggest they were later spotted in the vicinity of Portland Place and Park Crescent."
Did you see anything as odd as a group of four people, on two motorbikes, clutching hundreds of fancy bags? If you have, or if you're offered an authentic Jimmy Choo in a backstreet pub, on a Saturday night when you're looking for the time of your life, contact Crimestoppers. Or, alternatively, just drop one-woman crime-busting machine Kelly Osbourne a line.

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